Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I REALLY wanted to go....

Man I was sooooo disappointed that I wasn't able to go to the CR2.0 LIVE education this upcoming weekend! :(

Of course, I found out about it a week and a half before and I tried to get funding for my flight and hotel, but alas, it was to no avail! Oh well.... I am working on setting up an event here in Texas, or even better, here in Killeen! Killeen ISD is already on the cutting edge of making engaging lessons, and the administration and school board are behind innovative teachers who want to bring education into the 21st century.... and I am one! So I believe that we will be able to do this.

But I really wanted to present the outstanding way my students are using wikispaces as a social network to share learning and to organize learning. they are doing a great job, and they have taught me a lot... see their work here.


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